Common Sense Divorce

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The Late Shift with Gail Vaz-Oxlade: Divorce, Mediation, and Domestic Vioence

NewsTalk1010 Toronto | The Late Shift with Gail Vaz-Oxlade

This evening, Gail devoted her entire show to the concept of divorce. Gail discusses her own experiences with divorce, overviews the history of divorce and chats with guests from The Common Sense Divorce:

  • The legal realities of divorce in Ontario: Darren Gingras (President of The Common Sense Divorce) and David Morneau (Family Lawyer)

  • Divorce mediation and its benefits for separating couples: Mary-Anne Popescu (Family Mediator)

  • Recognizing and getting out of an abusive relationship: Anne Sayers (Family Mediator)

Listen here: