Common Sense Divorce

1 866 748-6363

Gail Vaz-Oxlade's Guide To:

How to Divorce in Ontario

Financially Smart Divorce

For more than 25 years you have witnessed Gail Vaz-Oxlade's trademark straight-up money wisdom, both on Radio and Television, most notably as host of TVs Till Debt Do Us Part, Princess and Money Moron. Gail is a best-selling Canadian financial author.

Gail Vaz-Oxlade's Guide To

How to Divorce in Ontario

Financially Smart Divorce

How To Divorce In Ontario

What Do I Need to Know About Divorce in Ontario?

To legally end your marriage in Ontario you must get a divorce. It’s not enough to just be separated and live apart, as this does not legally end your marriage.

Can I Remarry if I am Separated?

“Separated” means you’re “still married” … just not living together as a couple. “Legally divorced by decree” means that you are no longer married. You must be legally divorced before you can marry again.

Do I Need to Get a Divorce if We Are Common Law?

If you are a Common Law couple (living together), it doesn’t matter how long you have lived together, in Ontario you are not considered legally “married”, therefore, you do not require a divorce in Ontario.

You Do Not Need To Get A Divorce if You Lived Together

If you are in a common-law relationship, you do not need to get a divorce, although you may still require a Separation Agreement to deal with issues pertaining to children, support and assets/debts.

Family Mediation in selwyn Ontario

How to Avoid A Messy Divorce

  1. Seriously consider mediation before lawyer litigation
  2. If at all possible, stay out of the Family Courts
  3. Gather and organize your financial documents
  4. Do your homework, understand how divorce works in Ontario
Family Mediation in selwyn Ontario

How to Avoid A Messy Divorce

  1. Seriously consider mediation before lawyer litigation
  2. If at all possible, stay out of the Family Courts
  3. Gather and organize your financial documents
  4. Do your homework, understand how divorce works in Ontario

How Do I Get a Divorce in Ontario?

Separation and Divorce in Ontario are two separate stages

First, while separating, you and your spouse are dealing with all of the issues, such as children, custody, taxes, support, homes, assets, pensions and debts etc. These issues are dealt with in a Separation Agreement.

Once a Separation Agreement has been reached and a year of living separately has passed, you can go through the process of applying to the Ontario Courts for a Divorce Decree. Beware that the courts may reject your application for divorce if child support and other arrangements that should be dealt with in a Separation Agreement have not been prepared legally and properly.

Choose the RIGHT solution!

Online Mediation for Family Law

Do you want to understand how Online Mediation can work for you?  Book a free JOINT TELEPHONE CONSULT for you and your Spouse.  We will gladly explain the entire process and its benefits.

Online Mediation for Family Law

Choose the RIGHT solution!

Do you want to understand how Online Mediation can work for you?  Book a free JOINT TELEPHONE CONSULT for you and your Spouse.  We will gladly explain the entire process and its benefits.

How Much Does It Cost To Divorce in Ontario?

Court tends to be the most expensive process, then followed by litigation lawyers.  The most cost-effective way to separate and divorce in Ontario is through Family Mediation.

If you plan to take your spouse to court, you are going to spend a minimum of $10,000 just to get in the door! The traditional litigation process is incredibly expensive, time-consuming and emotionally draining. The answer: How much do you want to invest in order to divorce properly? Divorce is a contract that will follow you around for the rest of your life, so it’s important to look at it as an investment in your future.

There tends to be two extremes of people. Those that want to spend NOTHING on their Separation Agreement and those that seem to be willing to give away every penny they have and duke it out in litigation and family court. There , of course, needs to be a “in the middle.”

Do I need to use a Lawyer to get a Divorce in Ontario?

No, you don’t need a lawyer to divorce in Ontario, but wisdom would dictate that you do.  Saying this, you are not required to use a lawyer or other professionals to divorce in Ontario. Instead, consider how you can best use professionals to assist you in your process. 

Some may not require a lawyer to lobby for them, but may require financial assistance to divide your assets.  Consider retaining a mediator to help you negotiate without litigation.  Still, wisdom would dictate that there be some solid legal direction that gets involved somewhere in your process.

Why Is It Important to Have Proper Separation Agreement?

Separation Agreements are treated seriously by the court. They are always reviewed by the court and any terms that are clearly unreasonable or not legal in Ontario will not be accepted. Kitchen Table and other half-baked agreements regularly get nullified because they were not prepared properly, because proper financial disclosure wasn’t done, or because one partner tried to pull the wool over the other’s eyes.

Courts regularly boot these agreements to the curb, leaving them not worth the paper they were written on. And because the courts got involved, those cheap Kitchen Table agreements end up becoming very, very expensive.

Divorce in Ontario

How do we make our own Separation Agreement?

You might be tempted to take family law matters into your own hands because you’re trying to save money. Maybe you don’t think your ‘case’ is particularly complicated. Perhaps you have a basic mistrust of lawyers and the legal system’s penchant for making everything more complicated than it need be. Or maybe you just don’t want to spend the money!

Hey, I hear what you’re saying. But consider this like a “warning on the cigarette packages.” Common sense says, “Do so at your own risk!”  I’m saying you truly don’t know what you don’t know. And if you don’t know what you’re doing, there is a VERY good chance you will miss some really important things that will mess with you later and cost you even more money down the road. 

They have a name for those homemade negotiations. They call them “Kitchen Table Agreements” because they’re fundamentally flawed Agreements that are often signed in the kitchen over a cup of coffee. Lawyers actually love them. But not because they work but because they know that the untangling of the mess Kitchen Table Agreements make will be profitable for Lawyers in the long run. Very profitable!

Divorce In Ontario
Family Mediation in Smooth Rock Ontario

The Unofficial Rules of Divorce:

  1. Divorce gets prickly, even in the most amicable situation
  2. It’s often less about the legalities and more about the money
  3. People make expensive mistakes because they don’t make a plan
  4. Before you do anything, understand your rights, obligations & complexities
Family Mediation in Smooth Rock Ontario

The Unofficial Rules of Divorce:

  1. Divorce gets prickly, even in the most amicable situation
  2. It’s often less about the legalities and more about the money
  3. People make expensive mistakes because they don’t make a plan
  4. Before you do anything, understand your rights, obligations & complexities
divorce ontario

Do I need a reason to get a divorce?

Nope. The only legal reason you need for a divorce in Ontario is that you conclude that the marriage has broken down. Ontario law accepts that there has been a breakdown of your marriage if you can prove that you and your spouse have been separated for at least one year.

Can there be a divorce if only one of us wants it?

Yes. It is not necessary for both of you to want to end the marriage. After living separate for at least one year, the marriage can be considered as broken down, and one of the spouses can apply for the divorce.

Can there be a divorce if only one of us wants it?

Either of you can apply, or you can make a joint application.


If I buy out our home from my partner do I have to pay Land Transfer Tax again?

YES. In essence, you are buying your spouse’s half of the house and you will have to pay the Land Transfer Tax on that purchase. To give you an example of how much this is… Let’s say your Toronto home is worth $700,000 and you are buying out your spouse for $350,000. The Ontario provincial Land Transfer Tax is $3725 and the Toronto Land Transfer Tax on this amount is $3225. The total Land Transfer Tax you will pay on this amount is $6950.

BUT there is an exception. Regulation 696 of the Ontario Land Transfer Tax Act allows for an exemption on this Tax IF “the transfer is in compliance with a written agreement of separation, pursuant to which the parties have agreed to live separate and apart.” It means that a properly prepared Separation Agreement will likely cost you much less than the Land Transfer Tax.

Can we be separated if we are still living under the same roof?

Yes. Fundamentally what makes you “separated” is that you and your spouse have consciously agreed to separate and have “uncoupled.” In some circumstances, spouses can be considered separated yet apart even though they still live under the same roof. 

What does this mean?

This is possible as long as they are blatantly no longer living as a couple and both parties understand this to be true. If this is your situation, it is up to you to prove it.

Divorce In Ontario
Family Mediation with a Financial Twist
“For most, divorce is less about legalities and more about finances, tax implications and making smart money decisions. This is why we created The Common Sense Divorce." – Gail Vaz-Oxlade
Make Smart
Money Decisions
I'm not sure what to do?
I've never managed the money...
How do I plan for MY future?
Bag Lady Syndrome
(syn) 'Street Guy Syndrome'
NOUN - The fear that one will become financially destitute after a divorce.
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Family Mediation with a Financial Twist
“For most, divorce is less about legalities and more about finances, tax implications and making smart money decisions."
– Gail Vaz-Oxlade
Make Smart
Money Decisions
I'm not sure what to do?
I've never managed the money...
How do I plan for MY future?
Bag Lady Syndrome
(syn) 'Street Guy Syndrome'
NOUN - The fear that one will become financially destitute after a divorce.
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If we try to get back together, but it does not work out, do I have to wait for another year?

Maybe. It’s a “No” as long as you don’t get back together for a period of more than 90 days, or for several periods that add up to more than 90 days.

Can I get a divorce if I am not a Canadian citizen?

Yes. You do not have to be a Canadian citizen to get a divorce in Canada. It also does not matter if your marriage took place in another country. You can apply for a divorce in Ontario as long as you or your spouse has been residing here for at least one year.

What does this mean?

It means you might have to prove that your spouse’s home address or your home address is in Ontario.

Will I have to pay Taxes because of my Divorce?

Maybe. One of the biggest reasons you want to have a legal and properly created Separation Agreement is for Tax reasons. Often as part of a Separation Agreement, various property, money and asset transfers are made. Taxes and which spouse is going to have to pay them will be a huge part of how equalization payments or support payments are made.

What does this mean?

Financial and legal Professionals understand Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and the special tax rules that allow Real Estate, RRSPs, investments and other assets to be transferred between spouses as part of a divorce settlement so that there are no or minimal tax consequences.

Divorce in Ontario

Do we split our Canada Pension Plan (CPP) credits?

YES. When you divorce, your lawyer and financial professional will help you apply to CPP for a “division of unadjusted pensionable earnings” (DUPE). This is a division of the pension credits that the two of you earned while you were together. 

What does this mean?

The CPP credits that you and your spouse earned for the time you were married are added together and then split evenly between you. If your spouse had more credits than you, this might help you qualify for a pension, or increase the amount of your pension if you already have one. Your Common Sense Divorce Team will help you with this.


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A clear 10-step process that supports your family and walks you from start to finish. A New Beginning for you, your family, your home, your future.


Divorce IS About Money!

Money Smart strategies for INVESTMENTS, TAXES, RETIREMENT, MORTGAGES, WILLS, all focused on implementing your new FINANCIAL future.


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