The Common Sense Guide to:

Divorce Costs Ontario

How Much Does It Cost To Divorce in Ontario?

Financially Smart Divorce Strategies

Why is Divorce So Expensive?

Divorce is expensive—no two ways about it. 

If you’re wondering why the cost of divorce is so high, let me break it down for you in plain English. Divorce is complicated. Divorce is emotional and divorce requires credible professionals with years of education and experience. 

Legal fees will always be a major chunk of the cost. Lawyers and divorce professionals typically charge by the hour, and if your divorce is anything but straightforward (and they NEVER are), those hours will add up fast.

Complexities have to be dealt with properly and the more complex your case, the more it’s going to cost you. People confuse ‘amicable’ with ‘complex.’ Complexities are pensions, child and spousal support, parenting plans, mortgages, homes, debts, taxes, etc. If you’ve got significant more assets, multiple properties, complex pensions or a business thrown in the mix, you’re looking at a lot more time, effort, and expertise to sort the complexities out. 

And of course let’s talk about the cost of dispute. The cost of divorce skyrockets when you and your ex can’t agree or emotions run high. EVERY dispute and disagreement adds to the bill. High-conflict divorces are the worst for this because the back-and-forth drags on for months, even years.

The Divorce Rate in Canada

Divorce rates in Canada are on the decline—nearly cut in half this past decade. While the annual rates hovered around 10 divorces for every 1,000 marriages in the early 2000s, that has since fallen to six for every 1,000 as of 2016.

What is the alternative to lawyer litigation?

If possible talk to your spouse about mediation. It’s mediation that leads to the least arduous, most efficient divorces.

What Makes Divorce So Expensive?

In divorce, some people are intent on punishing their spouse. Some people are intent on ‘winning at all costs.’ Some blatantly refuse to negotiate, while others have their lawyer on speed dial for every little battle. People need to understand that as the dust settles, it is THEY that must pay REAL money for the legal costs of separating… often for years after the divorce is final.

Without a Plan Divorce is very expensive!

Family Mediation is where a trained third party helps couples negotiate a separation agreement together without escalating the process. Mediation is for financially savvy and emotionally mature couples that don’t want to pay good money to become enemies. Mediation increases trust and decreases animosity and limits the roles of lawyers.

Why is Family Mediation more Cost Effective?

Because one couple works with and shares the cost of a single mediator, and lawyers are typically only consulted for independent legal advice, a mediated divorce typically costs only a quarter of what a couples would pay two divorce lawyers, not including all of the fees incurred if the case goes through an increasingly back logged family court system.

How much does divorce cost
When you hear divorce...what do you think of?

There’s a much smarter  way to handle this—and it doesn’t involve dragging your issues into court.

The Common Sense Divorce provides a process that helps you and your spouse sit down, talk it out, without needing to hire expensive lawyers or waste months in court.

The Common Sense Divorce puts the power back in your hands, helping you make the decisions that are best for your family, your finances, and your future.

For more than 25 years you have witnessed Gail Vaz-Oxlade‘s trademark straight-up money wisdom, both on Radio and Television, most notably as host of TVs Till Debt Do Us Part, Princess and Money Moron. Gail is a best-selling Canadian financial author.

Logo for the Common Sense Divorce and Valentine Osbourne Law.

There’s a much smarter  way to handle this—and it doesn’t involve dragging your issues into court.

The Common Sense Divorce provides a process that helps you and your spouse sit down, talk it out, without needing to hire expensive lawyers or waste months in court.

The Common Sense Divorce puts the power back in your hands, helping you make the decisions that are best for your family, your finances, and your future.

What Is The Cheapest Way To Divorce?

Lawyer Fees vs. Mediation Costs

How much does a divorce cost? Well for couples that cannot rationally plan the ending of their marriage, the cost of their divorce can be 2-4 times more expensive than their wedding! According to Canadian averages, most people who choose the traditional family law route will spend between $15,000 to $20,000 per person on their divorce. Hiring a reputable/quality lawyer is going to cost you in the neighbourhood of $350-$600 per hour. If you are planning to take your case to court, you can expect to pay $10,000 on the beginning stages alone.

Recently, I met with a recently divorced lawyer, let’s call her Diane. We got on the topic of her own divorce and eventually she sheepishly revealed how her recent divorce had cost her and her spouse $75,000… EACH!   I was stunned!

After an awkward pause, I asked her, “How could you let your divorce costs escalate that much?!? You are a lawyer! You of all people would know better!”

Diane sighed deeply, “I know, I’m embarrassed to admit it… but honestly, once you get sucked into the acrimonious legal system, it somehow takes on a life of its own.”

Of course Diane and her now ex-spouse would not have agreed to pay $75,000 when they decided to divorce and started the process, but somehow the dollars kept piling on. Here’s how:

Diane started with a $5000 legal retainer that needed to be regularly refilled. When she was $10,000 or $15,000 into the process she felt like there was no going back and she was required to proceed all the way. One Hundred and Fifty thousand dollars later (essentially, the joint amount of the remaining equity in their home) this couple received their Divorce Decree.

How Much Will My Divorce Cost?

What is the cost of divorce in Ontario?

So how much does divorce cost? The cost of your divorce is going to be a combination of the following factors:

  • The level of acrimony and hostility between you and your spouse.
  • How willingness of you and your spouse to work together.
  • The Legal Process that you choose to negotiate.
  • The amount & complexity of financial and property issues.
  • The professional assistance you require.


Avoid costly mistakes—know your rights and responsibilities in Ontario. Move forward with a solid plan! Answer a few quick questions and instantly receive your FREE Ontario Divorce Plan specific to your situation. Start now and take control of your future!

The Unofficial Rules of Divorce:

Divorce gets prickly, even in the most amicable situation

It’s often less about the legalities and more about the money

People make expensive mistakes because they don’t make a plan

Before you do anything, understand your rights, obligations & complexities

The cost of your separation will be a reflection of the
complexity & conflict
in your unique situation.

Every day we are asked, “How much does divorce cost?” At The Common Sense Divorce, we understand how difficult this is… we get it!   We save our clients time, money and a whole lot of drama, by walking you to a Separation Agreement in a better way… right from the beginning.

Our collaborative team of mediation, legal and financial professionals will lead you through your separation process quickly and efficiently, helping you to transition into your new life while keeping as much of your hard-earned money out of the court system.

Our proven process will help you avoid the expensive mistakes and emotional land mines that can escalate your file into a costly, bitter, nasty divorce. We bring options, choices and solutions!