Video: Why Divorce Gets Ugly (and How to Have a 'Good Divorce' Instead)


Considering divorce? Call us first to find out how The Common Sense Divorce can help you and your spouse avoid costly mistakes and get your separation process started off on the right foot.



Every couple faces unique challenges.
Understand how separation will affect you,
your children, your finances and your future.

DO NOT BEGIN NEGOTIATIONS UNTIL you understand your situation, your rights, your potential complexities.

If you want to have a ‘good divorce’ then you have to go to your partner and tell them HOW you feel and WHY you feel this way. Be truthful, be honest, share your feelings and be sure to give your partner space to share theirs.

While you’re communicating with your spouse, ask them if they want to save the relationship. Do YOU want to save the relationship? If there is room to fix it, then make every attempt possible.

If there is no room to fix the marriage, then tell your spouse that you want an Amicable Divorce.  If you leave it to the court system, your divorce will not end happily.

Very often, people think that they had no part to play in the disintegration of a relationship….


You think it’s all one person’s fault?

That’s very unlikely.

But if that’s the attitude you come into the divorce with, in all likelihood, your divorce will be nasty.

It will also be nasty if you can’t communicate at all. Unfortunately, effective communication is one of the first things to go when we start talking about divorce. That’s a shame because communication is key to a good divorce.

Divorces also get ugly when one partner works really hard to build a case against the other. Very often, if children are involved, they bear the brunt of that case-building.

Don’t make it difficult for your spouse to divorce YOU! Give them access to the information that they need so they can do this swiftly and with the least amount of expense possible.

Remember, communicate about WHY the relationship ended and make sure you own your share of the responsibility. Doing this together, ending the relationship together will make moving on easier for both of you.

If you are considering separating or getting a divorce, before you start the process, call us first to find out how The Common Sense Divorce can help you and your spouse avoid costly mistakes and get your separation process started off on the right foot.

What To Expect When You Call The Common Sense Divorce 1-866-748-6363

Separation Agreement. Tv's Gail Vaz-Oxlade from Til Dept Do us Part.

Not everyone is ready to talk with someone in person.  You can call the Common Sense Divorce at anytime and hear a pre-recorded 2 min message about our services.

We will gladly take the time to speak with you about our services and the divorce process in Ontario.  The Common Sense Divorce offers a free 20 min telephone assessment and consultation.

We understand that this is a difficult time and calling us is a big step.  We are going to work hard to make this phone call easier, make you feel at ease and make sure that we respect your privacy.

We understand that you may be just researching and have not made any decisions.  We do not assume that because you are calling, that this means you are divorcing.