Common Sense Divorce

1 866 748-6363

Gail Vaz-Oxlade's Guide To:

Amicable Separation

Financially Smart Divorce

For more than 25 years you have witnessed Gail Vaz-Oxlade's trademark straight-up money wisdom, both on Radio and Television, most notably as host of TVs Till Debt Do Us Part, Princess and Money Moron. Gail is a best-selling Canadian financial author.

Gail Vaz-Oxlade's Guide To

Amicable Separation

Financially Smart Divorce

How to Have an Amicable Separation

We cannot begin to articulate the importance of an amicable separation!  Let’s keep it simple…  There are lots of professionals within a very broken, Ontario family law system that will gladly jump in to assist you with your divorce drama.  But have no doubt that all that acrimony is going to cost you money.  Real tangible dollars and cents that you worked hard to earn. 

Acrimony is going to drag out your file… I mean drag it out by months (maybe), years (likely).  That acrimony is going to steal your soul.  This means that if you want to get though your divorce with any kind of humanity at the end… you have to figure out how to separate as amicably as possible.

Family Mediation in selwyn Ontario

How to Avoid A Messy Divorce

  1. Seriously consider mediation before lawyer litigation
  2. If at all possible, stay out of the Family Courts
  3. Gather and organize your financial documents
  4. Do your homework, understand how divorce works in Ontario
Family Mediation in selwyn Ontario

How to Avoid A Messy Divorce

  1. Seriously consider mediation before lawyer litigation
  2. If at all possible, stay out of the Family Courts
  3. Gather and organize your financial documents
  4. Do your homework, understand how divorce works in Ontario


If you take your divorce to court, it’s going to be EXPENSIVE! An amicable divorce Ontario can cost you up to 75% less than a contested divorce (where you end up in court).

The more contested your divorce, the more professionals will need to be involved in making the final decisions – thereby driving up the cost and reducing the amount of control you’re going to have in the final decision.

If you choose a contested divorce, someone else is going to make the final decision for you – The Judge. That’s the last thing you want. If you can work out an agreement with your partner then you can come to a final arrangement that you can both live with.


An amicable divorce does not even mean that you need to agree.  Remember, the objective of a separation is to come to an agreement that sticks.  An amicable divorce means getting there without spending money you don’t have, without destroying your children and with the hope of a better future in front of you.



Looking for a SMARTER
approach to Divorce?

The wisdom of Family Mediation,
the power of Collaborative Law
with the personal support of a holistic team.



Looking for a SMARTER
approach to Divorce?

The wisdom of Family Mediation,
the power of Collaborative Law
with the personal support of a holistic team.


Having a bitter divorce isn’t going to turn anybody into a better person. Bitterness now evokes bitterness later and if you need to have an ongoing relationship with your Ex – for example, you have children together, then you definitely want to have an amicable divorce.

Remember, you can divorce a spouse, but you can never divorce a bitter, angry ex-spouse. You’re stuck with them for life.

If you are considering separating and want an amicable divorce, call us first to find out how The Common Sense Divorce can help you avoid costly mistakes and get your separation process started off on the right foot.


Amicable divorce and family mediation go hand in hand.  Sure you can hire a litigation lawyer to fight on your behalf, but understand that you are hiring someone to wrestle with your spouse’s lawyer on your behalf… and on your dime.  Amicable divorce means that you keep a measure of control and you ensure that it doesn’t get out of hand.  If you are looking for an amicable divorce… you need to seriously consider mediation.

What It Means When Your Spouse Suggests The Common Sense Divorce


  1. Your spouse is wanting to keep your separation amicable, cost effective and out of Court
  2. The Common Sense Divorce is cheaper than lawyer litigation or the courts
  3. Family Mediation tends to be the faster divorce process
  4. Regardless. the courts will require you to consider mediation 
  5. The Common Sense Divorce has an EXCELLENT success rate
Gail Vaz-Oxlade's Guide to Amicable Separation 1

What It Means When Your Spouse Suggests Mediation

  1. Mediation is typically cheaper than lawyers or the courts
  2. Mediation tends to be the faster divorce process
  3. The courts will require you to consider mediation first
  4. Mediation has an excellent success rate

An Amicable Separation Doesn't Just Happen!

You are going to have to work if you want an amicable separation process. Your are going to have to be careful who you listen to.  You will have to work at managing your emotions and you are going to have to be diligent to watch your tongue. 

Be assured, having an amicable divorce takes work.  But the work is worth the effort in cost savings, reduced emotional drama, and speed to get through your process.


THIS IS REALLY NOT NEWS TO ANYONE: Yes family mediation is better for your kids.  Yes family mediation typically costs less.  Yes divorce mediation is faster, creates stronger agreements, helps people to be better co-parents and keeps you out of court.  You can tell people.  You can warn people, you can write articles.  But inevitably there are some people that will have to learn the hard way.

Read what the Media has to say about the Family Law System

“Canadian Lawyer magazine’s survey on legal fees, shows that the national average estimated cost for a two-day trial is now more than $30,000. The average cost of a contested divorce was $12,000 per party.” But to get to that trial, the average cost was more than $45,000 per party."

Gail Vaz-Oxlade's Guide To An Amicable Separation

For more than 20 years you have witnessed Gail Vaz-Oxlade’s trademark straight-up money wisdom, both on Radio and Television, most notably as host of TVs Till Debt Do Us Part, Princess and Money Moron. Gail is a multiple time, best-selling financial author, and one of the top Canadian authors of the past decade. Gail brings her common sense wisdom to answer your questions about XXXXXX and divorce in Ontario.

Gail Vaz-Oxlade is Canada’s no-nonsense, money expert.
Gail Vaz-Oxlade Divorce and Finances