Common Sense Divorce

1 866 748-6363

Taking Control of Your Finances

Taking Control of Your Finances 1

DIVORCE: Debt, Money and Finances Financial Responsibility Some spouses think that they are doing their ex-partner a great favour by continuing to manage the finances, or by paying a mortgage or debts. Some spouses even allow this to happen. This is not the way it works with financial control and responsibility. You are separating. Your spouse […]

Money Tips: How to Manage Money on Your Own?

Money Tips: How to Manage Money on Your Own? 3

The Money Smart Divorce Solution Legal, Binding & Enforceable Separation Agreements DIVORCE MONEY TIPS 5 Money Tips: How Your finances after Divorce Starting a new life after divorce is challenging! One of the most daunting hurdles is learning how to manage the money on your own. You may come out of your relationship having never […]

5 Tips for Spending as Little As Possible Little on Your Divorce

Gail Vaz-Oxlade and Pension Valuations and Divorce

The Money Smart Divorce Solution Legal, Binding & Enforceable Separation Agreements Divorce Tips 5 Divorce Tips for Spending as Little as Possible on Your Divorce According to a recent survey of Canadian Lawyers, the average cost of a litigated Separation Agreement in Canada is approaching $27,000! That is without even reaching a trial, which could […]

Tax Smart and Money Savvy Divorces

stay at home mom

In divorce, the real value of a settlement is not what you get in the agreement, but what’s left over after you pay Revenue Canada their share. Its hard to think taxes when the emotions are running high, but smart divorcing spouses really must consider the wide range of financial implications and tax planning issues […]