10 Reasons Why People Separate in January
10 Difficult Reasons Why People Separate in January January is the coldest month of the year in more ways than one. The first month of the new year is also the time of year that most people start their divorce process and choose to separate. Perhaps there wasn’t much glue holding their marriage together anyway […]
5 Tips for Spending as Little As Possible Little on Your Divorce
The Money Smart Divorce Solution Legal, Binding & Enforceable Separation Agreements …Without Going to Court . Divorce Tips 5 Divorce Tips for Spending as Little as Possible on Your Divorce According to a recent survey of Canadian Lawyers, the average cost of a litigated Separation Agreement in Canada is approaching $27,000! That is without even […]
What Makes Divorce A Nightmare For Your Kids
Divorce And Your Kids When going through a divorce there is always a concern for how the children will be affected. It is not necessarily the divorce that gives children a bad experience. Instead, they are affected by how well you manage this experience and will model your behaviour later in life in their own […]
How To Tell Your Kids About Divorce
How To Tell Your Kids About Divorce Speaking to your children about the separation can be one of the most difficult aspects of the process. No parent wants to break news that will cause emotional heartbreak, but it is critical to have the “divorce” conversation with your children and provide them with the emotional support […]
The Cost of Divorce
The Cost of Divorce Should I Pay For My Spouse’s Divorce Fees? You and your spouse have recently made the decision to separate. You’ve done your research and have settled on a family mediation as the process you want to use to create your separation agreement. But what do you do when the cost of […]
The Real Cost of Divorce Court
There is a time and a place for court, but know that if your divorce goes to court…it is going to get expensive. Sometimes the only way we can get through to folks is to put words into dollars and cents. Going to court will be expensive…very, expensive.
Managing Grief in Divorce
People think of divorce as a legal issue only but for many, divorce is a financial issue and there are financial repercussions for those that don’t plan.
How Do You Know If Your Marriage is Over?
How do you know if your marriage is over or finally reached the point of no return? Every marriage is different, but here are 10 questions to ask yourself.
Divorce, Mediation and Domestic Violence
The legal realities of divorce in Ontario, divorce mediation and its benefits for separating couples, and recognizing/getting out of an abusive relationship.
Don’t Skimp on the Lawyer
No matter how tempted you may be to “keep the divorce lawyer out of it,” don’t put your faith in an office-supply-store separation agreement kit.